Anna Triandafyllidou

Photo of Anna Triandafyllidou

Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration Professor Faculty of Arts Department of Sociology Toronto, Ontario Mobile: (437) 224-9503
Office: (416) 979-5000 ext. 544446
Fluent in French


Prof. Triandafyllidou received her PhD from the European University Institute in 1995 and held teaching and research positions at the University of Surrey (1994-95), the London School of Economics (1995-97), the CNR in Rome (1997-99), the EUI (1999-2004) and the Democritus University of Thrace. S...

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Prof. Triandafyllidou received her PhD from the European University Institute in 1995 and held teaching and research positions at the University of Surrey (1994-95), the London School of Economics (1995-97), the CNR in Rome (1997-99), the EUI (1999-2004) and the Democritus University of Thrace. She was a Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at New York University in 2001, and a Colston Fellow at the University of Bristol (2001-2002). She serves as national expert in the OECD Network of International Migration Experts (formerly SOPEMI) and acts as an evaluator of research projects for the European Research Council (Advanced, Starting and Consolidator Grants), the Research Framework Programmes of the European Commission (FP5, FP6, FP7, Horizon), the European Science Foundation, and several national ministries, research agencies and Universities in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK. She has also worked as an evaluator for DG Home policies on migrant integration (2016-2018) and has been consulted by the European Parliament on high skill migration policy reform (2016).

Her main areas of research and teaching are the governance of cultural diversity, migration, and nationalism from a European and international perspective. Over the past 15 years, she has raised approximately 12 million Euro in research funds from European, international and national sources, and co-ordinated 30 international research projects in these research fields.

Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou will join Toronto Metropolitan University this year as the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, a $10-million seven-year program.

Professor Triandafyllidou pursued the opportunity with Toronto Metropolitan University because she sees Toronto as a hub of migrant integration, diversity and inclusion and because of the university’s commitment to those attributes.

“Toronto Metropolitan University is a champion of diversity and inclusion, an up-and-coming university with strong bonds with its stakeholders,” she said. “I was looking for new challenges in my scientific career and also in terms of public engagement, and I felt the CERC would provide all this.”

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Media Relations

Michelle LePage
PR and Communications Specialist, Central Communications

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Media Relations

Michelle LePage
PR and Communications Specialist, Central Communications

Karen Benner
Director, University Communications
(416) 979-5000 ext. 553494

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