André Côté

Photo of André Côté

Director of Policy and Research | Head of Secure and Responsible Tech Policy program, the Dais Toronto, Ontario Office: (416) 523-2683


André (he/him) has worked in a variety of roles at the intersection of policy, higher education and tech. As mission-driven consultant, offering strategic advice, research and other services to a range of clients. As senior advisor to Ontario’s deputy premier and minister of advanced education an...

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André (he/him) has worked in a variety of roles at the intersection of policy, higher education and tech. As mission-driven consultant, offering strategic advice, research and other services to a range of clients. As senior advisor to Ontario’s deputy premier and minister of advanced education and skills development, and for digital government services. As chief operating & strategy officer with NEXT Canada, a national non-profit incubator for entrepreneurs and start-ups. As ed tech innovator, developing the Dive: Student Aid digital case learning model with TMU’s Leadership Lab and other partners. And as a director on the Board of eCampus Ontario.
He's published many papers, reports and articles, including in other past roles with IMFG, a cities-focused research institute at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy; and with the Public Policy Forum.

André is a graduate of the Munk School’s Master of Public Policy (MPP) program and Queen’s University, and grew up in Ottawa.

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Media Relations

Michelle LePage
PR and Communications Specialist, Central Communications

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Media Relations

Michelle LePage
PR and Communications Specialist, Central Communications

Karen Benner
Director, University Communications
(416) 979-5000 ext. 553494

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